Coronavirus: How you stay safe as a delivery courier.

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August 21, 2020
Updated on:
August 9, 2024

Stay Safe and keep Delivering

The Coronavirus is now global, and many countries have recently increased their actions to combat it. Cities are restricting non-essential travel and services and many people are now working from home. Delivery services – including food delivery – have been deemed "essential services" and there is a growing demand in all the cities we, Zoomo, operate in (Sydney, Melbourne, San Francisco and London). In fact, many people will be relying on delivery so it's important you take all precautions the necessary to stay healthy, keep delivering food and keep earning money. Below are our top tips for staying safe:

1. Staying clean is the most important way to avoid Coronavirus

Like any virus or sickness, Coronavirus is passed through germs. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. Soap actually kills the virus but hand sanitizer works too. Coronavirus can be on a surface for up to 9 days, so especially when you touch any high-contact surfaces, public transport, after shaking hands with someone, or if you’re near someone who is coughing or sneezing. Don’t touch your face -or wear a mask to stop you doing so – but always make sure to wash your hands. It’s a good idea to keep hand-sanitizer on you throughout the day. Staying clean is the best way to stay safe.

2. Keeping distance from people will limit your chances of catching Coronavirus

Even if you aren’t touching someone who has Coronavirus, germs can pass between people if they are within 2-metres (6feet). The virus can be carried on respiratory droplets – like a cough or a sneeze. When you’re out in public, it’s a good rule to stay at least 2-metres apart from other people just to be safe.

3. Perform "Contactless Delivery"

Many delivery companies are now offering Contactless Delivery. Companies like Dominoes, Postmates, Deliveroo, and MenuLog, along with other companies are encouraging customers to give specific delivery instructions requesting riders to leave food on the doorstep. This feature allows you or the customer to pre-select a delivery option that generates specific instructions when you are nearby. You will then place the delivery outside the door and step back while the customer collects, ensuring you both stay 1-meter away during delivery. These measures are in place for your safety as well as the customers. As we all limit contact with others we can slow the spread of the virus, and bring things back under control.

4. Zoomo is doing its part to keep you safe from Coronavirus

We are aware of the dangers and risks that come with Coronavirus, and we are doing everything we can to support you in this time. Our employees are all practicing the highest levels of personal hygiene, and we are taking measures to clean and disinfect all bikes. We are keeping our distance from customers and each other – never closer than 2 metres from each other. All staff will be wearing gloves and masks and there will be no hand shaking with customers.

Plus we are staying operational where we can to support you and your job. You can still book a service at our workshops, but you must book ahead or we won’t be able to service you. Our support teams are still online and contactable, and wherever we are able, we are operating as usual and here for you.

5. More opportunity for work

Delivery couriers are a vital part of our cities, and we need you now more than ever. We are all doing our part to help each other, and there are many people who will depend on delivery couriers for basic needs. By using these simple measures to stay safe and healthy, you can take advantage of the increased opportunities for work.

We will have more resources coming soon. If you’d like more information, you can click the links below.

Helpful resources about Coronavirus:

Information from the Advice from World Health Organisation here

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