Lost & Found: How the Zoomo Sport Will Use Smart Tech to Combat Bike Theft

April 7, 2021
Updated on:
September 8, 2023

As a society, we often talk about the important role that bikes play as we head into a future that is kinder on our planet. As our cities and towns shift to allow bikes and electric bikes to replace many of the journeys made by cars, one issue is less often spoken about… That issue is bike theft - an issue that will only become larger as more of us begin to adopt bike use on a regular basis. 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics report, bike and sporting goods comprise 14.8% of all property thefts in Australia. What’s more, very few of these bikes will ever be recovered or even investigated by the police. 

In this article, we want to show how our latest bike - the Zoomo Sport - is designed to combat the issue of theft in a number of innovative ways. 

The Sport is Zoomo's smartest e-bike yet

Anti-Theft Motor Lock

One of the most common ways thieves escape a theft is via bike, either riding away on the stolen bike or chauffeuring the stolen bike alongside their ride. Unlocking the Zoomo Sport requires a unique RFID key which is possessed only by its owner. If a thief tries to ride away on the Zoomo Sport without unlocking it, its anti-theft motor lock kicks in. This provides a counterbalancing force equivalent to the rider’s pedaling, making it effectively impossible to ride away. The harder the thief pedals, the harder the bike is to move.

Leading GPS Technology

Bikes without GPS are three times more likely to get stolen than smart bikes. GPS acts not only as a theft deterrent, but a bulletproof recovery method. Bikes without GPS are almost always unrecoverable, because they get rebadged, relocated, sold and destroyed within a very short space of time. With the Zoomo Sport’s GPS tracking, bike recovery is as easy as notifying us of your stolen bike and having us track it down for you. 

Comprehensive Bike Recovery Service 

Zoomo has a close to 100% success rate when it comes to recovering our smart, IoT-enabled bikes. With every Zoomo Sport sold in Australia, we will provide 12 months of bike recovery service.  This includes up to 3 call-outs to find your bike. We also employ a dedicated team of Zoomo bike chasers to track down your bike and bring it back to the Zoomo store. This, alongside our 24/7 customer support, are sure to put your mind at rest when you invest in a bike that fits your future. 

These features alone make the Zoomo Sport virtually unstealable. 
To find out more about the smartest e-bike to hit Australian shelves and be part of accelerating the electric revolution, register your interest today: ridezoomo.com/au/sport 

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