The Impact Of The Right Bike On Business

June 9, 2021
Updated on:
September 10, 2023

How the right bike can transform your business.

E-bikes are 18 times more environmentally efficient than SUVs,  but you’ve probably already heard this, right? You may have heard a few stats about the impact of e-bikes, but do you know the effect that this can have on business? Do you know the full impact that the right bike can have on bottom line revenue? 

We know what you’re thinking- “As e-bike manufacturers, of course you’re going to be talking about how great bikes are.” But when businesses around the world are waking up to the impact the right bike can have, we thought it important to shed light on the subject. We’re going to explore the benefits of the right bike as well as offering some guidance on how to choose the perfect bike for your business.

Joining The Future

Research shows that the average company using our bikes travels 2.5MM miles yearly and saves 2MM pounds of carbon emissions each year. Utilizing an energy efficient e-bike is not only a significant move in terms of corporate sustainability, but an indication to all of your clients/consumers that your company is future-facing.  Electric bike use grew 145% in the US in 2020 and we can only expect this to grow further as pressure is placed on companies to consider their environmental responsibility. 

Acceleration Of Business Efficiency 

The time saved by navigating a busy city on an e-bike has a trackable effect on a business’ ability to hit revenue goals. Though the technical specifications of our e-bikes are impressive in and of themselves- from the IOT functions to the smart battery system- the truly impressive thing is the impact that this has on business efficiency. In this series, we’re going to be highlighting the time saved and revenue generated by companies that choose to use Zoomo e-bikes. 

Boosting Employee Wellbeing

While less easily tracked, it is important to note the impact that the right bike can have on employee wellbeing. As any business owner will know, a successful business is one that has happy employees; choosing the right e-bike, one that prioritizes comfort and ease of use, is key in this. 

Keep an eye on our page for more insights on the impact of the right bike.

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