Guide To Riding a Bike Safely in Winter

February 20, 2025
Updated on:
February 20, 2025

Guide To Riding a Bike Safely in Winter

As the temperature outside drops, leaving the house can become less and less attractive. Unfortunately, life does not always accommodate our desire to hibernate with Netflix and hot chocolate, and sometimes we must venture outside. 

If you’re going to step out and brave the cold, getting around town on an e-bike can help you avoid traffic jams and save petrol costs. This is where Zoomo comes in...

Zoomo bikes are built for all weather conditions, and winter is no exception. Our e-bikes are built with advanced safety features, however in the cooler months we recommend a few extra protocols to keep you as safe as possible. 

  1. Waterproof yourself and your bike
  2. Use your lights
  3. Look out for unsafe spots on the road
  4. Lower the tire pressure
  5. Slow Down, Brake Early & Take Turns Carefully
  6. Make Sure To Keep Your Bike Clean

1. Waterproof Yourself And Your Bike

First and foremost, make sure you are comfortable and safe. We suggest using fenders and wearing rain resistant clothing in order to get you to your destination warm and dry.

2. Use Your Lights

With shorter days, naturally we spend more time outside in the dark. Having fully functioning lights and using them accordingly is key to staying safe as you zoom around the city. Not only do lights enable full visibility of your surrounding conditions, but they also ensure that drivers can see you, preventing any kind of accident.

3. Look Out For Unsafe Spots On The Road

When analysing your environment, be sure to look out for unsafe parts of the road. Try to avoid slippery surfaces and icy spots, and if you are unsure, it is safest to simply dismount and walk.

4. Lower Tire Pressure

With the possibility of rain and even snow at this time of year, altering your tire pressure will help your bike grip to the streets. We recommend lowering your tire pressure by 10 PSI to avoid slippery accidents.

5. Slow Down, Brake Early & Take Turns Carefully

When leaving the house in winter, generally we tend to approach these cooler conditions with more caution to prevent slips and delays. First things first, set your e-bike’s power assistance level to low, and when accelerating, do so slowly. Use your brakes gently and be mindful of an increased stopping distance in inclement weather. When it comes to corners, it's important to be less fast and less furious, so avoid leaning into corners and turning sharply.

6. Make Sure To Keep Your Bike Clean

Always remember to clean, dry and lubricate your bike after riding in inclement weather to prevent any kind of malfunction. Keeping your bike clean will also help with the longevity of your bike in general, as well as keep it looking slick as your ride around the city.


Get around town quickly and safely this winter with your own Zoomo e-bike. Book a test ride here.

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